This publication focuses on the needs for schools and learning institutes to adopt modern teaching aids and technologies that are essentially indispensable to enhance teaching, learning and active class participation.

Modern teaching aids are those technologies that were recently introduced into educational systems that facilitate learning and make teaching jobs worth doing. According to teaching aids is define as material used by a teacher to supplement classroom instruction or to stimulate the interest of students. In the past teachers will write everything on a chalkboard while the students are expected to make their note by copying from the board as the teacher is writing it otherwise the board will be wipe as soon as it got filled up.

Then come in one of tech that replaced this old system of writing on a chalkboard such as:

INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD: This technology is designed to replace chalkboard and create the possibility for teachers to save their notes as a page on the board instead of wiping it out completely as a result of space. How it works, your interactive whiteboard  interact between projector and PC and this makes it possible to import information on your PC to the board and with a touch of finger or stylus pen you can better analyse or teach any subject from the board; you can save, print, record, edit, cut/copy, paste etc from the board. It comes with a software and teaching resources that aids the teacher and effectively enhance learning and increase understanding among student.

MULTIMEDIA PROJECTOR: This enables the teacher prepare their lectures or lessons on any storage device e.g computer, Disc or flash drive, then connect the projector to a PC and project on the screen or white board, this facilitate teaching and enhance learning. You can also project pictures, images, power point presentation, and graphics or use it for presentations and seminars.

CLOUD BASE LANGUAGE LABORATORY: This equipment is use to teach languages, pronunciations, spelling, etc. cloud base language lab makes teaching and learning much more excited by engaging students online through the download of educational resources, tutorials, video, games, French resources, German resources, Spanish resources, ESL resources etc while the teacher can blank or control students screen, view students’ screen, supervise all students and broadcast teacher’s screen etc.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENT FOR SCHOOLS: One of the industries that adsorb young people today is in the music industry. In some years back nobody believes that music will be given attention in our curriculum. Now we have some musical instruments introduced in some schools as part of teaching aids such as violin, keyboard, trumpet, saxophone etc

LIVE-STREAM MULTIMEDIA: This is a multimedia that enables you to broadcast your event live on internet as it happens. It gives you the opportunity to have a wider coverage of your target audience at a go; programs, lectures and presentations can be broadcast live as it takes place; students and parents can also connect to any program that is going on at any given time. I decided to add this as one of the technologies that aids teaching for instance, distance learning students can hook up with lecture online irrespective of where they are.

Others include:

  • Teachers’ resources
  • Student resources
  • Computers/Laptops and Tablets
  • Touch Screens> this is one of the latest touch sensitive technology that replaced projector complete mostly use in some private universities, this is a large screen that can be used to teach any subject, it a complete three in one tech PC, IWB and Projector.

Advantages of modern teaching aids in your school

8 reasons why you need audio visual equipment in your organisation

To you as an institution having modern teaching aids in your school will help to boost the image and brand value of your business and increase the perception of parents and other decision makers in the industry about your School.

Other advantages to the students and teachers include the below listed points:

  • Modern teaching aids Supplement verbal instructions.
  • Modern teaching aids makes learning permanent.
  • Modern teaching aids provide varieties.
  • Modern teaching aids are helpful in attracting attention of the students.
  • Modern teaching aids saves time and energy.
  • Modern teaching aids encourages the healthy classroom interaction.
  • It helps the teacher to create situations for teaching the beginners.
  • Teaching aids are helpful in creating positive environment for discipline.
  • Teaching aids are helpful in meeting individual differences.
  • Teaching aids helps in providing speech training to the pupils.
  • Teaching aids enable the children to retain language items for a longer time.
  • Teaching aids gives vividness to the learning situation.
  • Teaching aids makes the abstract ideas concrete and thus help in making learning more effective.
  • Teaching aids provide good substitutes for the real objects as they make learning equally meaningful.
  • Teaching aids help in the development of various skills among students such as, pronunciation skill, draw perfect diagrams, learn foreign languages, and solve puzzle and arithmetic.

The 21st Century has provided ample opportunities for business growth and development and Zuma Marketing Limited is on top of the situation to provide high quality products and services to our clients at affordable price.

We seek to engage your organization and add value based on your requirements. We look forward to your invitation with the opportunity to show you at no cost how these items can help your students standout and as well boost your brand value.


Ozoemelam (Charles) Okechukwu

 Senior Special Adviser (ICT) Ministry Of Science and Technology Abia State||Business Consultants || Entrepreneur || a Passionate business coach.

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    1. Smesmedia says:

      Thank very much I would like to see that happen

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